This Raging Light, by Estelle Laure

12 Jan

25787863Format: e-ARC, 288 pages

Publisher: Hachette Children’s Books, Australia

Published: January 12, 2016

ISBN: 9781408340264

Genre: Teens and YA

Back cover blurb: How is it that you suddenly notice a person? How is it that one day Digby was my best friend’s admittedly cute twin brother, and then the next he stole air, gave jitters, twisted my insides up?

Lucille has bigger problems than falling for her best friend’s unavailable brother. Her mom has gone, leaving her to look after her sister, Wren. With bills mounting up and appearances to keep, Lucille is raging against her life but holding it together – just.

A stunning debut to devour in one sitting, Laure captures completely the agony and ecstasy of first love.

My review: There is a lot of selfishness in this book, and a lot of people will not like that there is cheating, but I found it an interesting, quick read that quite enjoyed. Lucille frustrated me in that she didn’t seek more help, but maybe that’s the mother in me coming out. Digby was, as Elaine said, a typical boy, wanting it all and to be the hero, but despite his flaws I did find him pretty swoony. I feel really sorry for Elaine in all that business.

The cast of extras was great, particularly the characters at the restaurant and the girls’ “fairy godmothers.” I really wanted to slap the parents, though, and was left wondering whether they would ever find their way back.

***Disclaimer: This e-ARC was provided to me by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Huge thanks to them. ***

My rating: 4/5





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