Tag Archives: Italy

The Love Scam, by MaryJanice Davidson

23 Aug

50330221. sy475 Format: eARC, 320 pages

Publisher: St Martin’s Press

Published: 4 August 2020

ISBN: 9781250053169

Genre: Romance

Back cover blurb: Rake Tarbell is in trouble. When the fabulously wealthy and carefree bachelor wakes up horribly hungover in Venice, it’s not something that would normally be a problem…except he has no idea how he got there from California. Or who stole his wallet. Or who emptied his bank account of millions. Or who in the world is Lillith, the charming little girl claiming to be his long lost daughter. For the first time in his life, Rake is on his own and throwing Benjamins around aren’t going to solve his problem. Now if only the gorgeous, fun, and free-spirited woman who brought Lillith into his life was willing to help the situation…

Claire Delaney finds Rake’s problems hilarious and is not in the least bit sorry of adding to them by bringing Lillith into the mix. A pretty Midwestern girl with a streak for mischief, Claire isn’t the type to hang around with a guy like Rake. Even if he is drop-dead handsome and charming as all get-out. Even if he needs help and she has all the answers. But if this helps Lillith, she will go out of her way. And with a guy like Rake, she’s willing to bend her rules a bit for some fun.

But when adventure-filled days turn to romantic nights as they search for answers, and someone starts following them through the streets of Venice, Claire realizes she’s playing more than just a game. And maybe, just maybe, she isn’t willing to let go of Rake or Lillith just yet.

My review: I didn’t realise this was the second book in the series until after I had downloaded it from Netgalley. Although I haven’t read the first book about brother Blake, I don’t think it made much difference to my enjoyment of this book – which, sadly, was limited. It was merely okay. I enjoyed Davidson’s early Undead series books, but after a while they became a bit silly. That’s what I felt about this book. The author was trying hard to make it funny by including a whole lot of tropes, all of which are listed at the end, but I think she tried too hard and it all fell flat. I didn’t care enough about the characters, and the scenario was just too far-fetched for me to be interested.

***Disclaimer: This e-ARC was provided to me by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Huge thanks to them. ***

My rating: 2/5


